Getting to Know You: GUTGAA Meet and Greet

6:25 PM

Hello everyone who found their way here from the GUTGAA Meet & Greet! Either way, here's a little about me. =)

-Where do you write?
95% of the time I write on my laptop on my couch.

-Quick. Go to your writing space, sit down and look to your left. What is the first thing you see?
Throw pillows!

-Favorite time to write?
In the middle of the night. Haha The best inspiration comes to me when it's 2am and there's nothing on TV and no one awake to talk to.

-Drink of choice while writing?
Coke Zero :))

-When writing , do you listen to music or do you need complete silence?
I love listening to music when I'm writing but if I'm editing, it can sometimes be distracting. Actually, it can always be distracting! It's more like a double edged sword; music is inspiring but then I spend thirty minutes listening to lyrics and googling them...and then listening to more until I'm like crap, I've only written TWO words.

-What was your inspiration for your latest manuscript and where did you find it?
Originally, my inspiration to write a YA Paranormal Romance was from Twilight. Yes, it's true. It doesn't matter what anyone says, I love Twilight and it worked well. Otherwise, it wouldn't be a big deal. Though I must add in that Bella is not my favorite heroine. I actually put my first MS on hold indefinitely since it fits into the New Adult genre. That plus the fact that it was missing something...I can't say what but I lost a lot of my enthusiasm. When I started my current MS, the very first night I had crazy dreams about it. (None of which made sense.) But I knew that it was a keeper if it could seep its way into my dreams!

-What's your most valuable writing tip?
Get it ALL out there. First drafts are supposed to be craptastic. I don't think there's any way around that. Once it's written, you can always change it. 
Also, never give up. =)

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  1. Hi, Lindsey! Twilight was an inspiration for a lot of writers. It was a hot ticket with my students. I even had guys reading it because they wanted to know what the girls were all excited about. :-) Looking forward to the fun this month!

  2. Dreams are the best inspiration!

  3. "Once it's written, you can always change it." Excellent advice!

    I'm Lisa Ann, and I'm one of the first-round GUTGAA judges. Best of luck to you!


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